Our Mission

Our purpose as Christians is clear, we are to glorify God to all the ends of the earth (Colossians 1:27). The word of God itself brings glory to Him and is filled with examples of how we can glorify Him. We were created in His image and we were commanded to be fruitful and multiply, this alone is expanding His image throughout the earth. From the plagues of Egypt to sending Jesus Christ, the word is full of God showing His glory to all people. But we were not commanded to keep His glory to ourselves but instead to spread it throughout the earth. The word says we are to be sent (Romans 10:13-15) to preach the word (Mark 16:15) to all the nations (Matthew 28:19-20).  This is not optional but a commandment to every Christian. We are to spread His good news of all the things He has done to all people for His glory. 

Mission simply means special assignment and the truth is that every Christian has a special assignment. Once we have received salvation we are to share the news of Christ with the unreached or unbelieving, making disciples, by spreading God’s love. This is by no means exhaustive and is probably oversimplifying things, but it is enough that if we did nothing more than the previous statement, we would be fulfilling God’s purpose with our lives.

Those of us who know the truth of the gospel are so excited to follow Christ’s command to spread it that we have no choice but to be obedient. But what is the best way to share? It begins with love. Unless you love someone, you will not want to share with them and most of the time unless you love them with action they are unwilling to listen to you. Spreading God’s word begins with spreading God’s love. This is where alleviating poverty, pain, and suffering in the world comes into play, but the ultimate goal of doing these works is to see God glorified and to see His kingdom advanced by reaching the lost throughout the world.   

This leading from God began years ago but started to take shape in October 2014 when we as a family began to seek God for our purpose and direction.  We decided to pray for three months and I went into the time believing that God was going to lead us to adoption. But during that time we surrendered completely to God and through reading His word, felt a calling to missions. I knew it was of God because it is in His word and it is not what I was expecting. Jennifer and I began to look into the possibility of missions and God began to call me out of my comfort zone immediately. He called me to quit my job. This was a complete stretch for me being that I am a workaholic and have never gone a day without a job. But after seeking counsel I was obedient and God began to do amazing things. That was in January 2015 and he provided financially as He has used my unique skills to bring glory to Him in our community.

In many ways, we feel ill equipped for this calling.  We are not bible scholars and have no mission training.  However, sometimes God calls us beyond our gifts, talents and passions.  Even though we feel inadequate, He is glorified more because it is only through Him that it can be accomplished.  Instead of us receiving the glory for accomplishing something we’re capable of doing, He receives the honor because it is only possible through Him.  If He has called us to it, He will be faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Our mission as family is clear, bring glory to God. We bring glory to God by obeying His commandments: love God, love others, share the gospel, and make disciples.

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