Tuesday, October 13, 2015


As I sat in a bible study tonight something struck me as funny. The study was on the book of Numbers and I forget the reference or reason but the teacher said, “Despite what you think God has given you enough time.” I almost laughed out loud. Enough time? Easy for you to say, I thought. You are not moving to another hemisphere in 90 days. You are not taking your wife and three children, (a propĆ³sito,  we had a healthy baby girl, Maggie Marie) to the jungles of Peru. But then I stopped to think about the statement.
I like to make things happen. When there is work to be done I am the first to show up and the last to leave. So as we are preparing to go I feel like there is more work to be done then could ever get accomplished. As a result the last week or so I wake up and hit the ground running. So much to do, so little time. In my mind this was what needed to be done to get things accomplished, but am I doing the right things? What are my priorities when I live life this way? Is this the example we see from scripture?
Jesus had a mission to accomplish. More important than any mission in the history of the world. Yet He always had enough time. He always took the time to eat with a tax collector or talk with a women who had five husbands or sit down and teach children. He was never in a hurry to get things done because He realized that the most important person in the world is the one in front of you.
In my haste I have forgotten this. I have been too busy to talk to a friend and even to talk with my God. How wrong of me. How backwards are my priorities?  Where is my trust? I have been putting my trust in self instead of the God who promised to see this through. Why do I worry about the details? God has been in this from the beginning put everything in place and now I want to act like a bull in a china shop just so I can accomplish some stuff.  ¡Que terrible!
So what is important? Spending time in prayer is more important than any “to do” list. Holding my baby girl is more important than finding a lawyer. Hugging my wife is more important than reroofing a building. Talking with a friend who just gave his life to Christ is more important than fund raising. Tucking my kids in at night is more important than email.
God is once again teaching me a lesson through my inadequacies. But my prayer that I am not the only one. Today make it your focus to do what really matters. You have enough time.